Father: Henry VIII
Mother: Anne Boleyn
Born: 7th September 1533 Greenwich
Died 24th March 1603 aged 69
Reign: 17th November 1558 - 24th March 1603 (44 Years, 127days)
Buried: Westminster Abbey

Woodcut from 1575 of Elizabeth I at a hunt picnic
Nichols's Progresses of Queen Elizabeth I Vol. 1

Letters of the Earl of Leicester to Lord Burleigh, 1575

" My good L. The great expectation I had of your being here before this tyme, hath caused me to be more silent to you then ells I had been; but finding your coming yet doubtfull (albeit I hope Kenelworth shall not mysse you), I will lett your L. understand such newes as we have, which ys only and chefely of her Majesties good health, which, God be thanked, ys as good as I have long knownyt; and for her lyking of this house2, I assure your L. I think she never came to place in her lyfe she liked better, or commended more; and synce her coming hither, as oft as wether serves, she has not been within-dores. The howse likes her well, and her owen lodings specially. She thinks her cost well bestowed, she sayth, yf it had been five times as much: but I wold her Majesty wold bestowe but half as much more, and then I think she should as pleasant and commodyus a howse as any in England. I am sorry your L. ys not here to se yt. Even by and by her Majesty ys going to the Forest, to kill some bucks with her bowe, as she hath done in the Park this morning. God be thanked, she is very merry. But at her first coming, being a marvelous hott day at her coming hither, not one drop of good drink for her, so ill was she provided for, notwithstanding her oft telling of her coming hither; but we were fain to send to London with bottells, to Kenelworth, to divers other places where ale was. Her own here was such, as there was no man able to drink it; yt had been as good to have drank malmsey; and yet was it laid in about three dayes before her majesty came. Hit did put her very farr out of temper, and almost all the company beside so: for none of us was able to drink either bere or ale here. Synce, by chance, we have found drink for her to her lykyng, and she is well again: but I feared greatly, two or three dayes, some sickness to have fallen by reason of this drink. God be thanked, she is-now perfect well and merry; and I think, upon Thursday come se'nnight, will take her journey towards Kenelworth, whear I pray God she may lyke all things no worse than she hath done here: I hope the better by the good newes. For the graunt of her Majesty touching the Concealed Wards, &c. as I have to thank your L. for the friendly dealings, so will I be no whit the less thankfull than I have promised; and thereof your L. assure yourself, though it please you to refer it to my consideration. It shall be even as I offered your L. at first, and so shall your own dealers be the doers as myne. And as I know your L. charge to be as myne, and as your place required, so wold it did lye in me, or may lye in me, to help to better yt; as you shall sone find, when the occasion shall offer, that I will deal no less, but more earnestly than for myself; for so I may do; and what your L. shall impart unto me at any time for the accomplishment hereof ye shall se how , ye shall se how willingly and carefully I will deal in yt. And so wishing you good health, and always well to do, with my most hearty commendations, will byd your L. farewell. In some hast, reddy to ryde, this Tuesday toward evening [June 18],

Your assured friend, R. Leycester.

Her Majesty has signed my other book also; but no years after death.

To the Right Honourable my very good L. the Lord Burley, L. Tresorer of England, &c.

2 It is not very certain at which of the Royal Houses the Queen was then resident. Probably at Grafton; as she passed through Northamptonshire; and messengers were dispatched for ale both to London and Kenilworth.- or was it at Havering?

J. Nichols, The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth (London 1822) vol. 2 p. 4

6th July 1576 Gilbert Talbot to the Earl of Shrewsbury, Synce my comynge hither to the cowrt there hathe bene sondry determinations of Her Majesty's progresse this Summer. Yesterday it was set down that she would go to Grafton and Northampton, Leicester and to Assheby by Lord Huntingdon's house and there to have remayned 21 days. Now at this present Her Majesty thynketh to goe no further than Grafton.